NIHR Translational Research Collaborations
The NIHR Translational Research Collaborations (TRCs), are ready-formed networks of leading universities, NHS trusts and other research centres from across the UK.
Each TRC has a specific therapeutic theme and focuses on early phase, translational research with the overall objective of tackling experimental medicine challenges in that therapeutic area.
Manchester BRC is a member of the following NIHR TRCs.
- Professor Michelle Harvie, Obesity-related Cancers and Developing New Imaging and Molecular Biomarkers Programme Co-Lead, is a member of the NIHR Diet and Activity Research Translation (DART) Collaboration.
- Professor Maya Buch, Professor of Rheumatology and BRC Rapid Transnational Incubator lead, is Chair of the NIHR-Versus Arthritis UK Musculoskeletal TRC.
- Professor Gareth Evans, BRC Theme Lead for Cancer PED and Consultant in Medical Genetics and Cancer Epidemiology is the Academic Lead for Manchester as part of the Oncology TRC. Professor Catherine West is the workstream lead for Radiotherapy.
- Dr Alex Horsley, academic lead for the Cystic Fibrosis Centre where he leads a programme of basic science and clinical research as part of the Manchester BRC, is Deputy Chair of the Respiratory TRC.
TRCs (opens in new window)
More information on the Translational Research Collaborations, their themes and aims can be found on the NIHR website.