BRC holds successful risk prediction workshop Posted: Tuesday, July 3, 2018 On Thursday 21st June 90 people attended the BRC’s improving clinical pathways through prediction of health risks and outcomes workshop to find out more about using large data sets to aid prediction strategies. Continue reading full article: BRC holds successful risk prediction workshop
How can we use ‘Big Data’ to improve early cancer detection? Posted: Monday, July 2, 2018 Author: Dr Ellena Badrick Ellena Badrick, Cancer Data Scientist, blogs about her research, where she is looking at how working with large data cohorts can help improve early cancer detection. Continue reading full article: How can we use ‘Big Data’ to improve early cancer detection?
Cancer Prevention and Early Detection Theme marks successful first year with research showcase Posted: Tuesday, June 26, 2018 On 1st June the BRC’s Cancer Prevention and Early Detection (PED) Theme held a research showcase open to researchers and collaborative partners to celebrate a successful first year of funding. Continue reading full article: Cancer Prevention and Early Detection Theme marks successful first year with research showcase
‘Breathtaking Lungs’ Event Posted: Friday, June 22, 2018 The BRC Respiratory theme has been working with the Public Programmes Team to deliver the ‘Breathtaking Lungs’ project, which culminated in a public event at Wythenshawe Forum on 21 June 2018 (‘Clean Air Day’). Continue reading full article: ‘Breathtaking Lungs’ Event
Manchester researchers lead in development of test that could help avoid antibiotic related deafness in newborn babies Posted: Thursday, June 21, 2018 A new genetic test that could identify the risk of, and therefore help to avoid permanent antibiotic-related hearing loss in newborn babies is being developed in Manchester, UK. Continue reading full article: Manchester researchers lead in development of test that could help avoid antibiotic related deafness in newborn babies
A photonumeric scale for the assessment of atrophic facial photodamage Posted: Wednesday, June 6, 2018 Dr Jean Ayer provides an overview of her paper - A photonumeric scale for the assessment of atrophic facial photodamage - that was recently published in the British Journal of Dermatology. Continue reading full article: A photonumeric scale for the assessment of atrophic facial photodamage
Professor Jørgen Vestbo becomes Fellow of the Academy of Medical Sciences Posted: Thursday, May 24, 2018 Professor Jørgen Vestbo, BRC Respiratory Lead has been elected to join the prestigious Fellowship of the Academy of Medical Sciences Continue reading full article: Professor Jørgen Vestbo becomes Fellow of the Academy of Medical Sciences
BRC wins bid to join NIHR BioResource network Posted: Wednesday, May 23, 2018 The Manchester BRC and CRF have been chosen as one of 13 centres around England which will contribute to the new NIHR BioResource for Translational Research in Common and Rare Diseases. Continue reading full article: BRC wins bid to join NIHR BioResource network