BRC researchers featured in new Manchester Cancer publication
Several NIHR Manchester Biomedical Research Centre (BRC) researchers feature in a new cancer publication from The University of Manchester’s (UoM) Policy@Manchester and Cancer Beacon, and the Manchester Cancer Research Centre (MCRC).
The publication, On Cancer, features expert analysis and policy recommendations on cancer prevention, diagnosis, and treatment from leading Manchester researchers, including several from Manchester BRC.
Featuring researchers from our Cancer Prevention and Early Detection (PED), Advanced Radiotherapy, and Informatics and Data Sciences themes, it shines a light on Manchester’s pioneering research and development of new treatments and diagnostic tools, how these are being rolled out across Greater Manchester and beyond.
UoM’s Policy@Manchester connects researchers with policymakers and influencers to tackle a range of pressing challenges, while the Cancer Beacon showcases the breadth of UoM research, interdisciplinary collaboration and cross-sector partnerships addressing cancer. MCRC brings together leading cancer researchers from UoM, The Christie NHS Foundation Trust, and Cancer Research UK (CRUK).

Articles also explore how the disease interacts with existing health and economic inequalities – particularly during the COVID-19 pandemic, and how data and artificial intelligence can help improve care and treatment, including by cutting waiting times and improving outcomes.
These cover a range of cutting-edge research, from the Lung Health Check programme run from Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust’s (MFT) Wythenshawe Hospital, proton beam therapy and MR-Linac radiotherapy at The Christie, screening women for Lynch syndrome led by MFT’s Saint Mary’s Hospital, and how the Greater Manchester Care Record is improving induvial cancer care.

Top-Left: Dr Phil Crosbie, Professor Karen Kirkby, Professor Ananya Choudhury.
Bottom-left: Professor Corinne Faivre-Finn, Professor Niels Peek, Professor Emma Crosbie
Articles from BRC researchers include:
- Disadvantage and disease: Finding solutions to inequalities in cancer – Dr Philip Crosbie, Early Detection Programme Co-Lead, Cancer PED Theme
- Access and inclusion: Can we move cancer services closer to home? – Dr Philip Crosbie
- Advanced radiotherapies: What are the challenges and opportunities? – Advanced Radiotherapy Theme’s Professor Karen Kirkby, New Indications and Combinations with Protons Programme Lead, and researcher Professor Ananya Choudhury
- Data directly from our patients: Is improving patient data the key to better cancer care? – Professor Corinne Faivre-Finn, Advanced Radiotherapy researcher, and Professor Niels Peek, Informatics & Data Sciences Cross Cutting Theme Lead
- Saving lives and money through early detection: Lynch syndrome case study – Professor Emma Crosbie, Early Detection Programme Lead, Cancer PED Theme
Read On Cancer on the Policy@Manchester interactive website
The publication is also available in PDF format at the On Cancer webpage.