Effective Patient and Public Involvement and Engagement in experimental medicine event 27th Nov Posted: Wednesday, October 4, 2017 This workshop will provide attendees with opportunities to discuss and develop practical strategies for effective PPIE to enhance the design and delivery of their research and to meet the requirements of research funders. Continue reading full article: Effective Patient and Public Involvement and Engagement in experimental medicine event 27th Nov
Musculoskeletal geneticist secures esteemed Wellcome Trust Senior Research Fellowship Posted: Tuesday, October 3, 2017 Dr Gisela Orozco has been awarded a Wellcome Trust Senior Research Fellowship to continue her work in genomics to gain a better understanding of the biological mechanisms that drive rheumatoid arthritis, which will ultimately help identify new and improved treatment. Continue reading full article: Musculoskeletal geneticist secures esteemed Wellcome Trust Senior Research Fellowship
Researchers identify important genetic markers which differentiate psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis Posted: Monday, August 21, 2017 Research recently published in Annals of Rheumatic Diseases has shown genetic markers which differentiate psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis. This important finding will help doctors better understand the mechanism of these conditions and with targeting of future treatment. Continue reading full article: Researchers identify important genetic markers which differentiate psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis
New research highlights research priorities for young people with rheumatic disease Posted: Monday, August 14, 2017 A national study led by members of the Musculoskeletal Theme is the first of its kind to present young people’s priorities in rheumatology research, suggesting that young people would like to see a greater focus on basic science and psychosocial research into their conditions. Continue reading full article: New research highlights research priorities for young people with rheumatic disease
NIHR Manchester BRC seeking people and patients to shape our research Posted: Friday, August 11, 2017 The BRC has been busy this summer conducting scoping work to inform an ambitious, five year patient and public involvement and engagement (PPIE) strategy. Delivering exemplary PPIE across Greater Manchester, the strategy will serve both the BRC and the NIHR Manchester CRF. Continue reading full article: NIHR Manchester BRC seeking people and patients to shape our research
Collaboration and integration key to success, say leaders at launch event Posted: Thursday, June 15, 2017 The NIHR Manchester BRC and CRF launch event on 6 June 2017 represented a double celebration. An opportunity to share our aspirations for BRC and CRF, and also to mark the first anniversary of the GMHSCP devolution of the city region’s £6bn health and social care budget. Continue reading full article: Collaboration and integration key to success, say leaders at launch event
Manchester Scientist is the first recipient of multi-million pound Kennedy Trust award for rheumatic disease research Posted: Wednesday, June 7, 2017 An inflammation researcher at The University of Manchester is set to establish a world-class research program that aims to shed new light on rheumatoid arthritis, after becoming the first ever awardee of a £2.5 million Kennedy Trust Senior Fellowship. Continue reading full article: Manchester Scientist is the first recipient of multi-million pound Kennedy Trust award for rheumatic disease research
Professor David Felson awarded international prize honouring outstanding innovative research in rheumatology Posted: Wednesday, May 31, 2017 Congratulations to Professor David Felson, Programme Lead in the BRC’s Musculoskeletal Theme, who was awarded the prestigious Carol-Nachman Prize for rheumatology at a recent awards ceremony in Germany. Continue reading full article: Professor David Felson awarded international prize honouring outstanding innovative research in rheumatology