Dual honours for Manchester BRC Hearing Health Lead Posted: Tuesday, January 14, 2020 Hearing Health Lead Professor Kevin Munro has become a Principal Fellow of The British Society of Audiology (BSA) and North West Committee Chair of the NIHR Research for Patient Benefit (RfPB) programme. Continue reading full article: Dual honours for Manchester BRC Hearing Health Lead
Manchester BRC in unique collaboration to accelerate the development of hearing loss treatments Posted: Friday, January 10, 2020 Manchester BRC Hearing Health Lead Kevin Munro welcomes the launch of the “Hearing Medicines Discovery Syndicate,”a unique collaboration to accelerate the much-needed development of treatments for hearing loss and tinnitus. Continue reading full article: Manchester BRC in unique collaboration to accelerate the development of hearing loss treatments
The future of audiology – hall of mirrors, hearing loss and donkeys Posted: Monday, October 7, 2019 Author: Professor Kevin J Munro, NIHR Manchester Biomedical Research Centre (BRC) Hearing Health Theme Lead, concludes a series of thought provoking blogs by our Manchester BRC Hearing Health researchers. Continue reading full article: The future of audiology – hall of mirrors, hearing loss and donkeys
The future of audiology – using high-frequency hearing tests to diagnose hearing loss Posted: Friday, September 27, 2019 Author: Professor Chris Plack In his blog Professor Chris Plack discusses the importance of measuring hearing sensitivity at very high frequencies, beyond the range normally tested in the clinic. Continue reading full article: The future of audiology – using high-frequency hearing tests to diagnose hearing loss
The future of audiology – genomic newborn hearing screening Posted: Tuesday, September 3, 2019 Author: Professor Cynthia Morton Professor Cynthia Morton, Programme Lead for Genetic and Genomic Solutions, discusses her project to expand newborn hearing screening to include genetic screening for variants in genes known to cause deafness. Continue reading full article: The future of audiology – genomic newborn hearing screening
The future of audiology – ‘pardon?!’ Posted: Tuesday, July 30, 2019 Author: Professor Chris Armitage In his blog Christopher Armitage, Professor of Health Psychology and Manchester BRC Optimising Outcomes Programme Lead, discusses hearing loss and its image problem. Continue reading full article: The future of audiology – ‘pardon?!’
The future of audiology – improving diagnosis for children with hearing loss Posted: Monday, July 8, 2019 Author: Helen Whiston Helen Whiston, Research Audiologist highlights how Manchester BRC and Manchester Clinical Research Facility are supporting the design of a new, quick, easy and robust speech-in-noise test for children. Continue reading full article: The future of audiology – improving diagnosis for children with hearing loss
Prioritising outcomes in childhood hearing loss Posted: Wednesday, June 12, 2019 The PONCHO (Prioritising Outcomes iN Childhood Hearing lOss) study is recruiting children and young people who have permanent hearing loss and who do not have a cochlear implant and parents/carers of children with hearing loss - to help shape future research. Continue reading full article: Prioritising outcomes in childhood hearing loss