Top ten research priorities for detecting cancer early published Posted: Wednesday, October 2, 2019 Manchester cancer researchers, patients and health professionals have drawn up a ‘Top Ten’ list of unanswered questions to shape future research into cancer early detection and prevention. Continue reading full article: Top ten research priorities for detecting cancer early published
Manchester BRC researchers receive academic promotions Posted: Wednesday, September 11, 2019 Researchers at the NIHR Manchester Biomedical Research Centre (BRC) have recently been awarded academic promotions by The University of Manchester. Continue reading full article: Manchester BRC researchers receive academic promotions
Guest Blog – Education is Vital to Preventing Obesity Related Cancers – Bella Renehan Posted: Wednesday, July 3, 2019 Author: Bella Renehan Bella Renehan continues the debate on why education is a crucial means of preventing obesity related cancer, as well as the apprehensions behind educating on risks. Continue reading full article: Guest Blog – Education is Vital to Preventing Obesity Related Cancers – Bella Renehan
New research improves risk prediction, prevention and treatment of breast cancer Posted: Saturday, June 8, 2019 Women screened for breast cancer could be given greater information on how likely they are to develop breast cancer, possible treatments to reduce their risk, and if it did develop, how likely it will respond to different treatments, according to new research. Continue reading full article: New research improves risk prediction, prevention and treatment of breast cancer
Urine Test Could Prevent Cervical Cancer Posted: Monday, April 29, 2019 Urine testing may be as effective as the smear test at preventing cervical cancer, according to new research led by BRC Cancer Early Detection Programme Lead Dr Emma Crosbie. Continue reading full article: Urine Test Could Prevent Cervical Cancer
Manchester BRC networking and webinar series: GM support available for setting up trials and studies – Thursday 18 April Posted: Friday, March 22, 2019 The BRC Rapid Translational Incubator is holding an update on support available in Greater Manchester on 18th April. Aimed at staff and students affiliated with the BRC, CRF, The University of Manchester and/or Health Innovation Manchester. Continue reading full article: Manchester BRC networking and webinar series: GM support available for setting up trials and studies – Thursday 18 April
Manchester researchers’ national impact recognised in Clinical Excellence Awards Posted: Tuesday, February 26, 2019 A group of leading Manchester BRC clinician scientists have received national Clinical Excellence Awards in last year’s recently announced awards’ round. Continue reading full article: Manchester researchers’ national impact recognised in Clinical Excellence Awards
Annual Screening Detects Breast Cancers Earlier for Women Aged 35-39 with a Family History, Major UK Trial Finds Posted: Monday, February 11, 2019 Annual screening for younger women aged 35-39 who have a family history of breast cancer would be effective in detecting tumours earlier, a major UK trial has found. Continue reading full article: Annual Screening Detects Breast Cancers Earlier for Women Aged 35-39 with a Family History, Major UK Trial Finds